Thursday, January 27, 2011


I noticed yesterday that my fiber was pretty low, at 8.5g, when the RDA is 20-35g.  I do have some Fiber-One, maybe it will help move things through my digestive tract.  My sodium intake was high, but then I looked online and saw that it's okay just as long as you don't consume over 2,000mg.

Sleep was normal last night...tossing and turning a lot.

I wanted to wake up early to go get a four cheese egg souffle from Panera for breakfast, but I decided against it after realizing it is nearly 9:30am and they stop serving them at 10am.  With the snow, I figure I won't make it in time.  Tomorrow!  I WILL go!  I need to do some shopping in that area for my niece's birthday anyway.  I WILL GO TOMORROW!

1 Cup Deans 2% Milk with 1 packet Carnation Instant Breakfast

I'm still consuming my breakfast, but I'm already feeling like I need a nap.

2 Servings Colby cheese slices:  160 calories, 18g fat, 60mg Cholesterol, 360mg Sodium, 1g Carbohydrates, 7g Sugar
5 pieces Colby Wheat Thins: 70 Calories, 22 fat calories, 2mg Cholesterol, 110mg Sodium, 22mg Potassium, 10g Carbohydrates, 1g Sugar, 1g Protein

I felt hungry after work, made myself a salad with the following ingredients, but after eating just a few bites, I no longer feel hungry.  I'll continue to snack on it, slowly though.

1/2 Serving of Lettuce: 10 calories, 30mg sodium, 1g carbs, .5 dietary fiber, 1g protein
2 servings dressing:  160 calories, 100 from fat, 150mg sodium, 14g Carbs, 14g Sugars
2 servings croutons: 60 calories, 20 from fat, 160mg sodium, 10g carbs, 2g protein
2 Servings Colby cheese:  160 calories, 18g fat, 60mg Cholesterol, 360mg Sodium, 1g Carbohydrates, 7g Sugar
1/2 serving blackberries:  35 calories, 4g dietary fiber, 9g carbs

Meh.  It's about 8:20pm and I'm feeling VERY tired.  I finished my dinner about an hour and a half ago and I'm waaaay below what my calorie intake should be.  I've realized that eating healthy things like fruits and vegetables don't give you many calories.  I also shoveled after work so I'm probably lagging so much in the calorie department, which would explain why I'm so tired.  Eggs are supposed to be high in calories.  Perhaps I should start consuming an egg for breakfast to help reach my caloric needs.  Now I just have to buy some.

Because I'm not hungry, but know I need some more calories, I opted to snack on a flour tortilla.

1 piece raspberry chocolate:  1mg cholesterol, 2g carbohydrates, minuscule amounts of everything else.
Flour tortilla:  110 Calories, 220mg sodium, 22g Carbs, 3g dietary fiber, 4g protein.

Cups of Water Consumed Today: 7

Today's Total Calorie Intake: 881

Today's Total Carbohydrates Intake:  109

Today's Total Protein Intake:  21g

Today's Total Cholesterol Intake:  146mg

Today's Sodium Intake:  1,395mg

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