Being a brain tumor survivor, the way the FDA and the Texas Medical Board were treating Burzynski really pissed me off. The guy was saving lives and using a treatment that doesn't poison the cancer patients. What is so wrong with using a better alternative? Why is the government so resistant to change if they won't profit from it? I couldn't sleep after Burzynski. I especially couldn't sleep after spotting this guy crawling around my bedroom door and probably all over the sweaters I had hanging on the knob (I washed them before I wore them again). Not sure if you can see him on top of the door to the right, but he was huge...over an inch long! I really hate living here because of these damn roaches (they're so huge!). I am hoping that we are able to afford to move to a nicer neighborhood that is roach free at the beginning of next year.
After watching all three of these videos, I have come to the conclusion that if I ever get cancer again, eating healthy would be my first attempt at treatment. I am trying to eat healthy now, but after watching these videos, I realize that I don't need as much meat, egg, and dairy as I am getting each day. I could eat a lot healthier. I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead a couple months ago and would love to try a juiced diet to see what kind of effects it would have on me. Having a juicer would be helpful. I have a blender, but it's still a pain in the butt. If I still weren't better from just eating plant-based foods, I would try to seek out Burzynski's treatment.
I didn't do very well with sticking to my meal planning for today. When I woke up, I was going to make eggs, but didn't feel like it. I made some oatmeal and followed the directions on the package. 2/3 cup is A LOT! It spilled over the edge of my bowl in the microwave and I still have a bunch left for breakfast tomorrow.
I didn't make a smoothie. I have a tendency to skip eating when I'm busy. I was busy doing laundry all day. I found out that if I just add minutes to the dryer time, I can save about .50 per load. In order to do that, I had to wash a load, and while that load was drying, wash another load, and while that load was drying, wash another load...I ended up saving $1.00 today. It costs $1.25 each to wash/dry. It's kind of time consuming, having to go back and forth to the laundry building and up and down the stairs. In between I would either be folding clothes or doing dishes/preparing to make dinner.
When the laundry was done, I began preparing dinner. I made the cheddary chicken pie.
I swear my oven is messed up. The recipe called for 35 minutes of baking total. I had this in for 20-25 minutes and it got pretty dark. I had forgotten to get a pie pan when I went grocery shopping last week, so when Eric had to go to the NEX to get his hair cut on Friday, I quickly ran into the commissary to grab a tin one. All they had was an 8 inch cake pan. The recipe called for a 9 inch pie pan, so this has a bit of extra crust around the edges. It's still good. Should I make this again, I need a pie pan and one of those pie servers. I would use less chicken (I like the veggies better), include potatoes, and have more gravy/creamy filling. I bet I could use cream of chicken soup with this instead? Maybe I will experiment sometime. The cheese is nice in this and I liked it a lot.
While dinner was cooking, I gathered all the ingredients I would need for this no-bake raspberry-lemon cheesecake. While it cooled, I began preparing it. If I ever make real cheesecake, I need to get a hand mixer! My arm will probably be sore tomorrow from mixing up the ingredients! I didn't want to wait 3 hours for this to cool, so I definitely licked up any remaining batter before I rinsed the bowl out and the spatula off. It was very yummy! It's very creamy, not like normal cheesecake, but I guess that's to be expected as it's a no-bake. It has fresh raspberries in it and I like it.
I drank over 5 cups of water today. Good for me, as I've been averaging four. Five is what I should be getting in a day, at minimum. Since I skipped out on lunch (I did eat half an Atkins bar), I'm pretty short on my calorie intake. No wonder I was so tired and exhausted all day! Only 29g of sugar for today...not bad. Oh crap, I forgot to log that I had added brown sugar and honey to my oatmeal. I'm sure it's waay over that, lol.
Tomorrow (is today)'s meal planning...leftovers! Leftover oatmeal for breakfast, leftover cheddary chicken pie for lunch and dinner, leftover cheesecake for a snack/dessert and hopefully I will have energy to throw in a smoothie somewhere!
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